Sunday, 2 April 2017


It's fair to warn you that this one could be heavy going. Time to figure out some details. It's just drawing tiles, so you'd think it would be easy, but there are complications. Oh the horror...

Problems, problems

For the moment, I'll focus on scrolling whole bytes rather than shifting pixels, to avoid getting too complicated, too quickly. I'm not smart enough to deal with the whole problem in one go and I find it's helpful to understand it in small byte-sized pieces, if you'll forgive the terrible pun. (And you've forgiven so much to have got this far). Here's a list to start thinking about:

  • We need to know which tiles need drawing. That implies some kind of pointer into the tile map to track movement on the screen.

  • We need to convert tile numbers from the map into addresses of graphics data for drawing.

  • For reasons that used to make sense, the tiles are two bytes wide. That's a complication. Sometimes we will be drawing the left half of a tile, and sometimes we will be drawing the right half.

  • We could reach the end of the buffer before we've finished drawing a strip of tile fragments. That means we need to keep control of the drawing address and wrap it when required.

  • We could fall off the edge of the world. I mean the map. We could fall off the edge of the map while drawing tiles. That means the map pointer may need adjustment between tiles.

  • The multidirectional scrolling means we will have variable sized pieces of tile on all sides of the screen. Oh joy. It didn't have to be this way. I could have done a nice side-scroller. That would have been much easier to program and document. But not me, nooOOOooo. Scrolling in one direction just wasn't good enough for Lady-La-De-Da-Fancy-Multiway-Scroller. Now everyone has to stay late and clear up the mess. Well, I hope I'm happy with myself. Hey where'd everyone go?

Solutions, solutions

The map is a two-dimensional structure, which suggests the use of separate row and column pointers. It's tempting to use a single pointer to access the map, just like we're doing with the buffer pointer, but there is a subtle difference: When we increment the address past the left or right hand edge of the map, we find ourselves on the other side of the map, but one row up or down. Not exactly what we want. We would like to appear on the other side of the map on the same row. That seems easier to handle (to me anyway) with separate pointers.

The row pointer could be the address of the first tile of the current map row, and it would need to be updated each time we've scrolled enough to bring a new row of tiles into view. i.e. every eight pixels. If the pointer goes off the top of the map then the map size can be added to get us back into bounds and a similar adjustment done for the other direction.

That leaves the column pointer to specify an offset for a particular tile in the row. If it is incremented or decremented at the same time as the buffer pointer then it represents a half tile. (Recall that the tiles are two bytes wide). This sounds pretty useful. The least significant bit can be shifted into the carry and used to select the left or right half of the tile, and the remaining bits can be added to the row pointer to give us the map location. As the map is a power of two wide, wrapping can be achieved by ANDing the pointer with a mask. (Otherwise it would need a compare and branch)

The tile that the map pointer is pointing to is the one that should appear in the top left corner of the screen. This is fine for scrolling left or up, because the new strip of graphics will include that tile. For scrolling right or down there's an extra step: An offset will need to be added to the column or row pointer to address the tiles on the other side of the screen. It's a similar concept to the one used to decide where to draw in the buffer for each scroll direction.

Each tile image takes up 16 bytes of memory, so all we need to do to find the address of  a tile image is to load the tile number from the map, multiply it by 16 and add the address of tile number zero. Using a lookup table would be a little faster, but I'll keep it simple and stick with a MUL instruction for now.

A closer look at vertical scrolling

Vertical scrolling involves drawing a horizontal strip one pixel high, running the width of the screen. A tile is eight pixels high, so we need to pick one of the eight pixel rows to draw. This can be handled by adding an offset to the tile zero address. The offset is simply two times the number of pixels of displacement required, because each row of the tile is two bytes.

That means we need to keep track of the vertical pixel offset. I'm using a vertical counter variable that is decremented or incremented for each pixel scrolled up or down. By ANDing the counter with #7, we can detect when we cross a tile boundary and therefore need to move the map pointer. After ANDing with #7, the value can be left-shifted (i.e. multiplied by two) to create the pixel row offset.

That works neatly for scrolling up, but there is a modification required for scrolling down. Firstly, we need a different offset. If you imagine we've scrolled into a position where the tiles are neatly lined up with the top and bottom edges of the screen, the counter ANDed with #7 will be zero. If we scrolled up into this position then we needed to draw the top edge of the tiles as the zero offset suggests. On the other hand, if we had scrolled down, then the bottom edge of the tiles has just appeared. That's a different offset and we get it by ADDing #7 to the counter value before we AND with #7.

When I first implemented that, something weird happened when scrolling down. Seven out of every eight lines drawn were correct, but the ones that appeared for vertical offset zero were wrong. This didn't make any intuitive sense and it took me a while to figure out: A screen full of tiles would be 12 tiles high, but in general you would be able to see 13 rows of tiles, thanks to the partial tiles at the top and bottom. So the bottom row is usually 12 map rows below the map pointer, but only 11 rows when the vertical offset is zero. I ended up doing a clunky little correction just for offset zero. There might be a better way but I haven't thought of one so far.

As if the vertical scroll wasn't complicated enough already, there are another two cases to consider. The tiles are two bytes wide, meaning the drawing starts on either the left or right hand half of a tile. When it starts with the left half of a tile, there will be 16 tiles across the screen, all drawn in the same kind of way. I call this even drawing. But if we start with the right half of a tile, then there will be three sections: The right half of the first tile, then 15 complete tiles, then the left half of a 17th tile. No prizes for guessing I call this odd drawing.

I handled this by having two drawing routines, one even and one odd, and the one called is determined by the least significant bit of the map column pointer.

Before I get into the drawing, here's a summary of the steps so far:

Scroll up:
  • Move buffer pointer up one line, wrapping if necessary
  • Decrement vertical pixel counter
  • If pixel counter AND #7 = 7 then move map row pointer up one row (and wrap)
  • Calculate the tile image base address: tile zero address + 2 x (pixel counter AND #7)
  • Buffer drawing start address = buffer pointer
  • Map source data = Map row pointer
  • Draw even or odd depending on map column offset LSB

Scroll down:
  • Move buffer pointer down one line, wrapping if necessary
  • Increment vertical pixel counter
  • If pixel counter AND #7 = 0 then move map row pointer down one row (and wrap)
  • Calculate the tile image base address: tile zero address + 2 x ((pixel counter + 7) AND #7)
  • Buffer drawing start address = old buffer pointer (the line above the current pointer)
  • Map source data = Map row pointer + number of visible rows - 1 row
  • Draw even or odd depending on map column offset LSB

Draw some tiles already

The even drawing routine looks something like the code below. On entry, u is the tile image base address and y points to the map row.

        lda map_col      ; map column pointer
        lsra             ; get the offset
        sta coffset      ; store offset directly in instruction

        lda #16          ; draw 16 tile pieces
        sta count        ;

coffset equ *+2          ; variable is part of instruction
        lda <0,y         ; get tile number from map
        ldb #16          ; calculate address of image data
        mul              ;
        ldd d,u          ; load the tile image bytes
        std ,x++         ; store tile bytes in buffer
        cmpx #BUF_END    ; check for end of buffer
        blo nowrap       ; not end of buffer
        leax -BUF_SIZE,x ; adjust back to start of buffer
nowrap lda coffset      ; move to next column in map
        inca             ;
        anda #(MAPWID-1) ; wrap map column
        sta coffset      ;

        dec count        ; do next tile
        bne loop         ;

There isn't all that much to it. I've used some self-modifying code to make life easier. The coffset variable is actually the 8 bit index mode offset used to load the tile number from the map. The < symbol tells the assembler to use an 8-bit offset so the instruction bytes are in the expected layout.

It's assumed that the two bytes of the tile image will never fall on either side of the end of the buffer. This is a safe assumption providing that the buffer size is a multiple of the tile width, and that the first tile is aligned with the start of the buffer.

Odd drawing is a bit more complicated. First there is the right half of the first tile:

        lda map_col      ; map column pointer
        lsra             ; get the offset
        lda a,y          ; get tile number
        ldb #16          ; calculate address of image data
        mul              ;
        ldd d,u          ; load the tile image bytes
        stb ,x+          ; store right half in buffer

It might seem strange to load both bytes of the tile to then throw away the left byte, but this is an easy way of accessing the right byte. If I wanted to load just one byte, then I would first have to add one to the address which would take longer.

After this we need to check and wrap the buffer address and then we can draw 15 tile pieces using the even drawing algorithm above. The only differences are we need to draw 15 pieces instead of 16, and we need to add one to the map column offset before we start.

The left half of the tile at the end is really easy. The registers already have the values we need thanks to the code that drew the 15 tiles:

        lda a,y
        ldb #16
        lda d,u
        sta ,x


Hey, what about horizontal scrolling?

Yeah, I know, we're having so much fun and it's hard to stop, but my fingers are all wore out, what with all that typing and everything. So next time we'll have a closer look at the horizontal scrolling...

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