Filthy OSes
I do all my hobby stuff on an ageing Tecra laptop. It's now over 10 years old, but I've no reason to change it as it works fine and has respectable performance. The only problem is Windows XP, which is way past its end of support. It ran off the top of that particular cliff three years ago, and very much like Wile E. Coyote, is kind of just hanging there waiting for gravity to notice. Updates for various bits of software are drying up, it's increasingly likely I have to search for old versions of drivers, and the nagware anti-virus software is a big resource hog. We hates it.
I briefly looked into upgrading to Windows 7, but Mister "None Shall Pass" Upgrade Advisor Wizard flagged up a bunch of issues with the hardware. Scratch that idea: Time to look at a free OS.
I've played with a Linux distro before. I must have been feeling particularly wealthy circa year 2000, because I walked into a PC shop and bought a boxed SuSE Linux 6.2 or 6.3 to see what all the fuss was about. I've still got the box in the roof somewhere. Anyway, I installed it on a 486 PC and it worked well enough, but I didn't really do anything with it due to lack of software that could work with the stuff I'd been doing on Windows. I lost interest and stopped using it. That was a mistake with a capital M. I've basically missed out on over 15 years of useful education.
Like I GNU you would
I guess I've got a bit of catching up to do then. Now the thing that rapidly becomes apparent is the amount of choice available for a free OS: There's a bewildering selection of distributions, kernels, and desktop managers to choose from. If your worst nightmare is based around having to make a decision then this might not be your night. To help me decide I came up with the following sketchy criteria: 'Popular', 'Lightweight' and 'Googled evidence that it works on an old Tecra'. To cut a long story short I eventually settled on Debian/Linux with an Xfce desktop.
It almost worked first time: I had to download a legacy driver to get the wifi working and the trackpad settings needed a tweak but I was very impressed at how smoothly it all went. So now game development is proceeding on *nix. If I can stop playing 2048, that is...
So, Anyway
In spite of all that I did manage get some work done on the game.
In Time Pilot '84, a boss appears after a certain number of enemy craft have been destroyed. The boss chases after the player while continuously firing homing missiles. To defeat the boss and proceed to the next level, the player must wait to acquire a missile lock and then successfully fire a missile while avoiding collision with the boss or its missiles.
The boss is quite large compared to the player, and rather than write a special large sprite routine, I chose to construct it out of four standard sprites effectively flying in tight formation.
![]() |
I see five sprites |
To get the boss to chase the player we need to figure out how to determine the direction of the player relative to the boss. Those who know their vectors will know that subtracting the boss coords from the player coords will give the precise direction of the player, though it would be hard to make use of it as we would need to convert that direction into a unit vector which means square roots and stuff.
More useful would be a function that returned an angle. That would allow us to steer the boss towards the player. One way to get an angle from vector components would be to use the arctangent function, but that's no better than having to calculate square roots, which leaves us wondering if there is some approximation we can use.
Mmm pie
It turns out there is something relatively simple we can do. If you imagine a cherry pie centred on the boss, and that pie is divided into four delicious slices, aka quadrants, then it's easy to figure out which quadrant the player is in just by looking at whether the difference in coord components is positive or negative. Even better, it's possible to refine it more and divide the area into eight octants by comparing the sizes of the x and y components. (And a thinner pie slice means you can have a bigger blob of double cream. Ooh you would)
The following piece of code returns an octant number in the range 0-7 based on the difference in coords. It works by progressively rotating the coords until they lie in the first quadrant then finally comparing the x and y components to figure out which octant:
clrb ;
lda dy ;
bpl ypos ; dy >= 0
neg dx ; rotate 180 cw
neg dy ;
addb #4 ;
ypos lda dx ;
bpl xpos ; dx >= 0
nega ; rotate 90 cw
ldx dy ; don't care about low byte
stx dx ; just need to swap dx & dy
sta dy ;
lda dx ;
addb #2 ;
xpos cmpa dy ;
bhs done ; dx >= dy
addb #1 ;
done ;
The coords have previously been scaled and subtracted and stored as 8 bit values in dx & dy. In case you're wondering what the strange business with ldx/stx is about, it's because at that point I need to keep the contents of both the A and B registers and rather than save and restore one of them, I used the X register and saved a few bytes and cycles instead. stx dx overwrites dy, but it doesn't matter because we then write to dy in the next instruction.
The number returned in B represents the direction in which we want the boss to move, and that can be used to look up a velocity from a table. Now, rather than suddenly change to the new direction like Automan's car, I increment or decrement the current direction once per update so that the boss steers more gently towards the player. But even that is too aggressive: The boss homes in on the player far too efficiently and there is no way to avoid the collision. (It does work great for homing missiles however.)
That left me wondering how the original arcade game worked as I remember it being pretty easy to avoid a collision. I tried slowing the boss down as it approached the player and slowing down the update rate but nothing seemed to give a satisfactory result.
In the end, I fed a fraction of the player steering input into the homing routine. What now happens is the boss approaches the player while the player is flying in a straight line, but if the player turns, the boss steers behind the player. Rather surprisingly this ad hoc solution feels more true to the original.
Out with a bang
For a while I wasn't sure what should happen when the player defeats the boss. I didn't think I would be able to pull off a convincing explosion, so I decided to cheat instead. When the player successfully hits the boss, a mode change occurs and the boss starts running away from the player while pouring out flames, which are just re-used enemy explosion graphics. Here's how it looks so far:
The battle is a bit one-sided at the moment. The boss still needs to fire missiles at the player, and the player should have to sweat it out for a while before getting a missile lock, but it's a good start.
I'm in two minds what to do next: I could finish the boss battle or I could try out some musical ideas while they're still fresh in my mind. Also December is almost upon us. So much to do, so little time...
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